Assassin's Creed: Revelations - Sequence 1 - A Sort of Homecoming - Walkthrough (PC Gameplay)

The main quest in Assassin's Creed: Revelations is made up of 9 Sequences, each containing a number of Memories. You can go back and replay most Memories at your leisure after you've completed them, so don't worry too much about getting Full Sync on your first run through.

Sequence 1 - A Sort of Homecoming (

  - Memory 1 - The Hangman (

Watch the opening cinematic.

  - Memory 2 - A Narrow Escape (

Full Sync - Kill a Byzantine Templar with a counter kill.                              
Read the walkthrough for the full details.
At the start of the mission, familiarize yourself with Ezio's repertoire of acrobatic moves. Follow the onscreen instructions and use Altair's ghost as a guide of where to go to next.
Climb to the top of the tower to trigger a short cutscene and then walk outside to encounter a group of guards. To achieve Full Sync, Ezio needs to perform a Counter Kill. To do this, target a guard and press and hold the Block Button (the defensive stance). When the guard begins an attack, immediately press the Square Button (or X Button on Xbox) while holding the Block button to perform a Counter Kill and get Full Sync.
After the Counter Kill, keep pressing the Attack button on the other guards to do a Kill Streak. Clear them out and then go to the next marker.
Follow Altair and climb and jump to the top of the castle tower. Eliminate the guards in the way and keep climbing to the very top.

Approach the eagle statue and Interact with it to complete the mission.

  - Memory 3 - A Journal of Some Kind (

Full Sync - Do not fail a single tail.
Read the walkthrough below for the full details.

When entering the library halls, there are FOUR Byzantine guards below. Ezio can eliminate two of them from above, although the other two will get alerted, so eliminate them all! When the area is clear, approach the mystery man near the library doors to trigger a cutscene and to start the mission.

Exit out of Masyaf castle and approach the marker towards the entrance tower. You'll have to eliminate a couple of soldiers, so do it! Climb up to the very top of the tower and then jump and parachute towards the marked Captain. Land on the nearest rooftops and then follow the group to the bottom of the village.

You don't need to be too stealthy when following the group. As long as Ezio can keep the group within his sight, he can simply follow them by walking a few feet away from them. Once you reach the bottom of the village, the mission is complete with Full Sync.

  - Memory 4 - A Hard Ride

This is a two-part mission. For the first half of the mission, Ezio must hold on to a rope while getting dragged. Steer clear of the road obstacles and climb towards the chariot. This will take a few minutes, so do it! Once Ezio is close enough, a cutscene will trigger for the second half of the mission.

Ezio needs to eliminate the enemy carriage with his carriage. To avoid too much damage, steer clear of the rocky road patches and DO NOT ram the enemy carriage head-on! Let the enemy get close to you (make sure they don't hit your carriage) and then steer towards them to ram them off the road. Do this several times to destroy the enemy carriage.

After the enemy carriage is destroyed, it's on to the Captain! Ezio is not required to destroy the Captain's carriage, he just needs to weaken it. Just like with the previous enemy carriage, avoid ramming the Captain's carriage head-on and only smash into him when the road is clear of rocky patches (the rocky patches are what will hinder your progress).

Keep away for a short distance and wait for the Captain to get close. When he's close, RAM him! Ezio needs to keep smashing into the Captain's carriage (while avoiding those rocky patches) until they reach the Y-intersection. Once they reach the Y-intersection, a cutscene triggers and the mission is complete!

  - Memory 5 - The Wounded Eagle

Full Sync - Kill 5 guards from a haystack. 
Read the walkthrough below for the full details

Ezio will be impaired for the first half of the mission until he finds Medicine. This means that you won't be able to do acrobatics just yet.
After the cutscene, eliminate the the three guards with a fancy Kill Streak and then loot their bodies for some free goodies. From there, make your way down the snowy path towards the large water wheel. Eliminate the lone guard and then walk up the stairs to the marker to trigger a short cutscene.
Approach the unaware guard and assassinate him. Now walk down towards the village entrance where Ezio will encounter THREE sets of guards. There is a haystack nearby, so wait for the wandering guard to move away and then jump in and patiently wait for him to come back.

To get Full Sync, follow these instructions:
Assassinate the first guard from the haystack. One down. There are two more that are nearby that wander up and down the trail. Grab their attention by walking towards them to get their attention (the arrow above their heads indicate that they can see you). When the indicator arrow above their head turns red, they will start walking towards you. Let them follow you towards the haystack (don't run or they'll lose sight of you) and then snuff them out as they inspect it. Repeat this tactic for the remaining guards in the area and you should score Full Sync.

Once the area is cleared, activate Eagle Sense to see where the Captain is heading. Sneak through the village (either eliminating or avoiding soldiers) until Ezio reaches the castle gates to trigger a custscene.
Eliminate the three soldiers and then loot the bodies to find some Medicine (and some extra cash) to restore Ezio's health. From here, Ezio doesn't need to be stealthy, so make your way towards the next marker while eliminating anyone in the way.
Approach the marker and climb up the structure to the top (while avoiding a few roadblocks). After you reach the top, approach the Captain and assassinate him to complete the mission.