How to take a Screenshots and change default Screenshots location in Windows 10

In Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10, Microsoft added a useful option - the ability to take a screenshot and save it automatically to a file with hotkeys.

I) How To...? Take a Screenshots...

1. Just Press Win + PrintScreen keys on keyboard - That's all!...

2. Your image of the captured screen is placed in the folder at This PC > Pictures > Screenshots.

II) How To...? Change default Screenshots location in Windows 10

1. To set the screenshots location to some other path than the default, Go to Pictures folder.
(This PC> Pictures). You will see your Screenshots folder:

2. Right click it and select the item "Properties" from the context menu.

3. In the Properties dialog, go to Location tab.

3. Click on Move... and set the desired folder on your disk where you want screenshots to be stored.

4. Watch video: